#EveryLittle Action Counts Week 9: Reach out!
This week is dedicated to reaching out in academia. Reaching out is important and because it enables you to put things in perspective, to deal with feelings and thoughts, feeling safe and secure (Novak, 2016).
“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.”
– Vera Nazarian
This week we also like to voice our dear colleague Betina Szkudlarek’s post on reaching out:
Are you having another existential professional crisis? I spend many hours talking to people who feel they lost meaning in what they do. Some of them stop and consider what can be changed (even in small ways). They reach out to other people for advice. Sometimes, one conversation (or one post) can make a massive difference in repositioning our professional direction and getting back on (a meaningful) track! I am very grateful to have a supportive crowd – close and far – to redirect me when needed! Thank you, Jane Lê, Joyce Osland, Vera Beccherini, Megi Aben, Jeannie Eun Su Lee, Katarzyna Broda and Anne-Wil Harzing, for being among my professional cheerleaders and advisors!
Who can YOU reach out to today?
It is also important to know how to reach out and here are some basic tricks and tips:
- Making a decision who you can and want to talk to.
- Take an outside perspective and look at the bigger picture of the situation.
- Be honest and upfront with people who you like to reach out to as people like to help and support.
We would be very happy to learn about your suggestions on how to reach out in academia.
Anne-Wil Harzing & Christa Sathish.