Welcome to the weekly PhD Wellness
These mini-posts are intended to provide useful tips and tricks to keep you happy and healthy during your PhD journey! The challenge is to keep the 4 smiles up for the week and hopefully beyond! #positiveacademia

What? More than one thing?
Yes, a PhD is a full-time job for many. But engaging with more than one project creates an important balance during challenging times (and we have them all…) because it supports creativity and stimulates problem solving from different perspectives.

Most importantly is that you feel joy and happiness with what you are doing. There won’t be a day without a problem during a PhD and embracing any situation is key to happiness. Problems are much easier to solve when you can keep smiling.

Move in rhythm!
Finding your pace and work cycle supports a healthy attitude. We all have times when we learn and work more efficiently. Find the times where your superpowers work best and keep the rhythm as regularity.

Talk to yourself!
Keeping a research journal is valuable. It is a place where you can let out your frustration and worries but also where the most creative ideas are crafted. It is always funny to look back what was written down during your early research days!