Welcome to the weekly PhD Wellness
These mini-posts are intended to provide useful tips and tricks to keep you happy and healthy during your PhD journey! The challenge is to keep the 4 smiles up for the week and hopefully beyond! #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld

Carpe Diem!
Make the best out of your day. Give your very best in the twenty-four hours that you got. Make sure you can look back at this day with satisfaction and happiness.

Show, Not tell, what you know!
Turn your words, knowledge, and work into meaningful action.

Be the person you want to be!
Tell yourself who you want to be. Then do whatever it takes to be that person. Your perceptions and principles guide you in the selection of what you want.

There’s nothing wrong with being wrong!
If someone show you a legitimate flaw in your actions or work, they are not personally criticising you. They present you a better alternative. Try to embrace the differences and changes.