Leadership and Advocacy
Secured £10’000 funding: International Leadership and Management
I was commended by a Scottish councillor for my leadership and advocacy skills as I have impressed an audience of about 100 people in a school. After my talk the councillor asked me, “what do you want to become in the future”. I was yet unclear and perplexed about his question. He happily answered for me and said, “lead the ways”.
My CEO needed to secure funding from the Scottish Government in order for the business and campaign to run further. I achieved the critical target of gathering 1000 international dreams and secured £10’000 funding. I managed to form strong relations in Darfur, India and across Europe. I never gave up and held virtual conference calls and meetings at any time of the day. I was in contact with student groups across the globe and worked with them together in a team over distance. I was able to motivate students who had minimal technical equipment to record dreams and I am still so proud of that.
Due to my effort the campaign was brought to the Rio+20 exhibition and the business sustained through the funding for another year.