#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 28: Walk the extra mile!

This week is a call to walk the extra mile! For academics, we define “walking the extra mile” as going beyond our daily tasks and spending time to foster sustainable careers and positive societal contributions. It includes contributing to societal challenges, mentoring, integrating diversity and inclusion, and caring for the self.

“Always go the extra mile. If you can’t run it…walk it!”

– Bobby Compton

We can sustainably “walk the extra mile” by considering the following key aspects:

 Self-care and balance: Managing time and setting boundaries are essential for avoiding burnout and maintaining energy and well-being.

  • Mentorship and collaboration: Supporting and collaborating with students and peers fosters mutual growth, advancing sustainable careers.
  • Community engagement: Develop sustainable partnerships and collaborate with stakeholders to apply your research to real-world societal challenges.

 We would be very happy to learn about your own suggestions on how to sustainably walk the extra mile in academia.

 Anne-Wil Harzing & Christa Sathish