#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 3: Be Proud of Yourself
“You are unique, resilient, and constantly growing. Embrace who you are, and let yourself feel proud of all that you have accomplished and all that you will achieve in the future” Tanvi Vyas https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/celebrate-yourself-10-reasons-proud-who-you-tanvi-vyas
We believe that everyone should celebrate themselves as often as they can, no matter how big or small the achievement. The need to perform at high levels requires resilience and focus.
We easily forget where we started and how we arrived at any of our targets. So, take a step back and look at your journey. Find pride in your many (sometimes forgotten) small and big achievements.
This is important because our happiness depends upon the positive quality of our thoughts. The happier we are, the more positivity we can share with others in our personal and professional environments. It thus reinforces and fuels crafting and cultivating #positiveacademia.
“26 Reasons to Be Proud of Yourself” provides a practical guide on how to feel proud https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-path-passionate-happiness/202111/26-reasons-be-proud-yourself, and you may find this useful especially if you are “shy to toot your own horn” 😊.
Why not try one of the following steps:
- Think about what are you most proud of in the last month?
- What qualities are you most proud of yourself?
Do you have any other insights in how to be proud of yourself? Please let us hear your ideas and thoughts by replying to this post!
At Positive Academia we believe that embracing small positive actions in our daily academic work can contribute to the positive transformation of our academic culture.
Our Every Little Action Counts campaign will be running from 2024 to 2025. During this period, we kickstart your week with ideas for positive actions every Monday.
We encourage everyone to try and make a positive difference and advocate for such actions in their environment. We look forward to hearing about, and learning from, your experience and inputs.
Join our collective movement and become an advocate for Positive Academia!
Best wishes,
Anne-Wil & Christa