#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 46: Encourage Ethical Leadership
Ethical leadership is essential in academia to ensure fairness, transparency, and integrity in decision-making.
Leaders who prioritize ethics not only create a positive and inclusive culture but also set an example for students, colleagues, fostering trust and accountability.
By promoting ethical practices, academics can guide institutions toward more inclusive outcomes, thus, benefiting the whole academic community.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Academics can support the cultivation of ethical leadership by:
Advocate for transparency in decision-making processes
Empowering and encouraging transparency in, for instance, hiring processes, promotions and funding applications, evaluations and allocations.
Mentor emerging leaders
Proactively supporting the development of junior academics to become ethical leaders who can lead by example.
Hold leadership accountable
Encouraging and cultivating constructive dialogue, tracking measurable outcomes, and advocating for necessary changes aimed at ensuring that decisions reflect shared goals and ethical principles.
We would be very happy to hear about your strategies for encouraging ethical leadership in academia.
Anne-Wil Harzing & Christa Sathish