Being Different

#6 This is the Year of Positive Academia (initiated by Anne-Wil Harzing). I am continuing to promote positivity #positivechange #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld #kindness #wellbeing #students #learning #teaching #university during the sessions with my third-year...

Never Give Up

This is the Year of Positive Academia (initiated by Anne-Wil Harzing). I am continuing to promote positivity #positivechange #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld #kindness #wellbeing #students #learning #teaching #university during the sessions with my third-year...


This is the Year of Positive Academia (initiated by Anne-Wil Harzing). I am continuing to promote positivity #positivechange #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld #kindness #wellbeing #students #engagement #learning during the sessions with my third-year...