by christasathish | Feb 25, 2022 | Positive Academia, Research Blog, Student Wellbeing
This is the Year of Positive Academia (initiated by Anne-Wil Harzing). I am continuing to promote positivity #positivechange #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld #kindness #wellbeing #students #engagement #learning during the sessions with my third-year...
by christasathish | Feb 25, 2022 | Positive Academia, Research Blog, Student Wellbeing
As part of Anne-Wil Harzing’s, initiative The Year of Positive Academia, #positivechange #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld #kindness #wellbeing #students #engagement I am promoting positivity during the sessions with my third-year undergraduate students. We...
by christasathish | Jan 30, 2022 | Academic Social Media, Academics' Well-Being,, Positive Academia, Research Blog, Supporting PGRs
How can academics understand and develop care for others as well as self-care when using social networking sites professionally? This is the first post in the series on Caring in a shared-world providing insights based on Heidegger’s (1962) shared-world concept. Read...
by christasathish | Jan 29, 2022 | Academic Social Media, Academics' Well-Being,, Positive Academia, Research Blog, Supporting PGRs
In this post, I will share some tips and tricks deriving from my experience of using LinkedIn in my PhD project. My research project follows a mixed-method, multilevel research design including one survey and six focus groups. Read more...
by christasathish | Jan 29, 2022 | Academic Social Media, Academics' Well-Being,, Positive Academia, Supporting PGRs
In this post, I will share some helpful tips and tricks to help you promote your research using LinkedIn. LinkedIn – a social media platform where jobs can be found, CVs managed, and careers developed – has evolved into a place filled with opportunities...
by christasathish | Jan 29, 2022 |, Positive Academia, Research Blog, Supporting PGRs
Having talked to many established academics and students, it is often unclear what digitally marketing yourself means. I am defining digitally marketing yourself as reaching your personal marketing goals through the application of digital technologies and media....