by christasathish | Dec 20, 2024 | Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Positive Academia, Research Blog
A Testimony of Gratitude As I take a moment to reflect on the last three years, my heart is filled with gratitude for the journey Anne-Wil Harzing and I have embarked upon together. Our collaboration has been a transformative, intertwined synergy of two academics at...
by christasathish | Feb 15, 2024 | Positive Academia, Research Blog, Teaching and Learning
It was field trip time for our Master level students of the Multi Platforms Communication Module (2023-2024)! Together with Asher Rospigliosi Pallavicini, we visited the National Computing Museum at Bletchley Park. Many thanks go to Dr. Richard Berry (Head of the...
by christasathish | Nov 17, 2023 | Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Positive Academia, Research Blog
This project created two swans reflecting CYGNA’s equal, inclusive, collective identity and the diversity of the network and its members. This CYGNA project was led by Dr Christa Sathish and Dr Clarice Santos and funded by Dr Richard Berry, Head of School, School of...
by christasathish | Aug 6, 2023 | Positive Academia, Research Blog, Supporting PGRs
I am often questioned about how I was able manage a young family and complete a full-time PhD at the same time. Quite often people see these as incompatible. While I disagree with such perceptions, I believe it has a lot to do with who we are, our background, life...
by christasathish | Jan 18, 2023 | Academics' Well-Being,, Positive Academia, Research Blog, Supporting PGRs
Welcome to my new blog post series on Academics’ Well-Being Matters! In this blog post series, I initiate the discussion about the importance of academics’ well-being in increasingly platformised Higher Education Institutions. Carrigan and Jordan (2021, p.368) define...
by christasathish | Dec 12, 2022 | 2022-2023, Engagement, Positive Academia
A Social Media Talk delivered at the Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries Faculty Winter Conference. This was a social media talk based on my PhD findings focusing on academics’ well-being in the context of teaching & learning and networking...