Dr. Christa Sathish
Passionate about Cultivating & Crafting a Positive Academia
Professional Experience

Positive Academia CIC
September 2023 – Present

CYGNA Women in Academia Network
CYGNA Lead Team Member
June 2023 – Present

University of Westminster
Lecturer Management & Marketing
May 2023 – Present

Middlesex University
Visiting Lecturer Digital Advertising
March 2021 – April 2023

Self Employed
Private Tutor
Oct 2014 – Oct 2018

K Ramakrishna College of Engineering, India
English Training Officer and Literacy Coordinator
Oct 2013 – Oct 2014

CIFAL Scotland – United Nations Institute for Training & Research
Project Event Coordinator
Oct 2010 – Sep 2013

University of the Highlands and Islands
International Student Officer
Sep 2011 – Oct 2012

Bürgi Nägeli Lawyers
Legal Secretary
Jun 2009 – Oct 2010

Mepha / Teva, Switzerland
Laboratory Technician spec Galenics (Pharmaceutical Research & Development)
Jun 2008 – Jun 2009

Givaudan, Switzerland
Laboratory Technician spec Galenics (Pharmaceutical Research & Development)
Jun 2007 – Jan 2008

University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Laboratory Technician spec Galenics (Pharmaceutical Research & Development)
Jun 2005 – Jun 2007

Novartis, Switzerland
Laboratory Technician spec Galenics (Pharmaceutical Research & Development)
Jun 2001 – Jun 2005

University of Westminster
Sept 2023 – Jan 2024

Middlesex University, UK
Doctor of Philosophy – PhD, Media practices
Jan 2020 – April 2023

Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Master of Research, Business
2018 – 2019

University of the Highlands and Islands, UK
Bachelor’s degree, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
2011 – 2012

Brighton School of Business and Management, UK
Higher National Diploma , Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
2009 – 2011

Novartis AG, Switzerland
Swiss Federal Certificate of Competence, Laboratory Technician spec. Pharmaceutical R&D
2001 – 2004

Novartis AG, Switzerland
Professional Baccalaureate (Tech.), Tech.
2001 – 2004
Volunteer experience

Middlesex University, UK
Research Summer Conference Comittee member
2020 – 2022

Middlesex University, UK
Student Voice Leader ACi
2020 – 2022
Sathish, C. (2023). ‘Investigating UK academics’ professional social media use: a qualitative analysis using the lenses of digital literacy, UTAUT and the concept of boundary work’, PhD thesis Middlesex University. Available at: https://repository.mdx.ac.uk/item/10yzv4
Online White Papers
Harzing A.W. & Sathish, C. (2023). The art of academic writing. Available at https://christasathish.com/the-art-of-academic-writing/
Almada, P., Caroleo, L., De Amicis, C., Giorgi, G., Kristensen, L.M., Sathish, C. and Teigeler, L. (2022). ‘The SEO effect: The optimised, the under-optimised and the un-optimised web’, Digital Methods Initiative. Available at: https://www.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/SummerSchool2022TheSEOeffect
Teaching & Learning Guides: Material and resources that support your teaching and learning practice
Sathish, C. (2022). ‘Social Media for Teaching How-To Guide’, Christasathish.com, Available at: https://christasathish.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SocialMediaGuideForTeaching_V_13062022.pdf
I developed this guide focusing on the practical integration of specific social media tools and emphasising their practical application. The guide provides information about general features, main concerns, questions before you start, case studies, and useful links to various platform-specific resources.
Sathish, C. (2022). ‘Well-Being Activities for Teaching’, Christasathish.com, Available at: https://christasathish.com/teaching-experience/well-being-activities-for-teaching/
In this document, I present various well-being activities that I integrated into my teaching of undergraduate students. I aim to develop an awareness of societal issues as well as emphasising the need to take care of students’ physical and mental well-being.
Sathish, C. (2023).’A Guide To Interconnected Learning’, Christasathish.com, Available at: https://christasathish.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/InterconnectedLearningGuide_29102023-1.pdf
This guide is a collection of my teaching approaches based on my ethos and values which reflect our being in the interconnected world. I have been inspired by Boix Mansilla and Jackson (2013) whose early research addresses the importance of developing students’ global competencies and the need to redefine learning for an interconnected world.
Positive Academia Resource Bulletins: Material and resources that enable you to contribute with small acts to crafting and cultivating a more positive academia.
Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – Happiness is a good flow of life, Zeno, Christasathish.com, Available at: https://christasathish.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Bulletin-Draft-1_06072023_Final_Version.pdf
Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – We are all different, Christasathish.com, Available at: https://christasathish.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/PositiveAcademia_Bulletin_2.pdf
Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – Creativity in academia, Christasathish.com, Available at: https://christasathish.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Bulletin-3-Positive-Academia.pdf
Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – PGR Support, Christasathish.com, Available at: https://christasathish.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Bulletin-4-Supporting-PGRs-March-2024.pdf
Media & Impact
I have been publishing blog posts (currently over 78 posts) as a tool for disseminating research, creating campaign awareness, reinforcing personal and professional development and supporting the engagement with broader audiences within and outside academia.
Inclusion in academia
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Every Little Action Counts (#everylittleactioncounts)
Week 16: EveryLittleActionCounts – Be Resilient!
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 16: Be Resilient! This week is a call to be resilient. Being resilient is crucial for navigating the many challenges and setbacks in our academic lives. It allows us to bounce back from adversity, maintain our mental and emotional...
Week 15: EveryLittleActionCounts – be courageous!
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 15: Be Courageous! This week is a call to be courageous. Being courageous is vital because it catalyses the embracement of risk, the challenging of norms, and fosters innovation and creativity. Courage drives positive organizational...
Week 14: EveryLittleActionCounts – be kind!
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 14: Be Kind! This week is a call to be kind. Small acts of kindness play a crucial role in fostering supportive and flourishing cultures leading to a sense of belonging and positive interactions among colleagues and students alike....
Week 13: EveryLittleActionCounts – fostering curiosity
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 13: Fostering Curiosity! This week is a call to foster curiosity. Fostering curiosity supports building cultures of innovation, creativity and continuous learning. Such cultures encourage the seeking of new knowledge, exploration of new...
Week 12: EveryLittleActionCounts – fostering respectful interaction
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 12: Fostering Respectful Interaction! This week is a call to foster respectful interaction. Fostering respectful interaction is pivotal for creating a supportive and inclusive environment within which we feel psychologically safe to...
Week 11: EveryLittleActionCounts – becoming optimistic
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 11: Becoming Optimistic! This week is a call to become optimistic. Optimism serves as a catalyst for positive change, enabling individual and collective envisioning and pursing of goals. Optimistic leaders inspire confidence, motivation,...
Week 10: EveryLittleActionCounts – etiquette of addressing people
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 10: The Etiquette of Addressing People! This week is dedicated to using the right etiquette when addressing someone in academia. Addressing someone correctly is important because it is pivotal for building positive relationships,...
Week 9: EveryLittleActionCounts – reach out!
#EveryLittle Action Counts Week 9: Reach out! This week is dedicated to reaching out in academia. Reaching out is important and because it enables you to put things in perspective, to deal with feelings and thoughts, feeling safe and secure (Novak, 2016). “Sometimes,...
Week 8: EveryLittleActionCounts – how to create positive co-authorship in academia
#EveryLittle Action Counts Week 8: How to create positive co-authorship in academia This week is dedicated to creating positive co-authorship in academia. Co-authorship brings various benefits such as enhanced creativity, innovation, efficiency, networking...
Week 7: EveryLittleActionCounts – creating positive academic reviewing culture
#EveryLittle Action Counts Week 7: Creating a Positive Academic Reviewing Culture Referring to Christa Sathish’s recent Reflections on the completion of AMR’s Bridge Reviewer Program , this week is dedicated to creating positive academic reviewing culture. The crisis...
Fables of academia - The Academic Zoo (#feministacademia)
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Supporting the (Digital)Well-Being of Academics
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PhD Wellness
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Academic Reviewing
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Teaching for Positive Impact
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Student Well-Being
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Leadership and Advocacy
Teaching for Positive Impact
I have developed this project to empower students to become the leaders of tomorrow. At the heart of the idea is my intention to make a meaningful impact on all participating students and society. I am a strong advocate for fostering independence through experiential learning, and therefore, I provide students with the opportunity to lead the project through the collaborative co-creation of blog posts where they express what matters most to them.
I also encourage students to connect with their peers and I am actively nurturing relationships with external stakeholders. In addition, I am opening the opportunity to contribute to the project to the broader student population at my university. I am actively mentoring students and developing their professional competencies and online presence through one-to-one coaching and the creation of guides on how to enhance your online profile. By doing so I am amplifying all students’ voices within my and others’ LinkedIn networks, aimed at increasing their visibility to stakeholders and potential employers.
Promoting Students’ Well-Being
2022 is the Year of Positive Academia (initiated by Anne-Wil Harzing). I promoted positivity during the sessions with my third-year undergraduate students.
We engaged in short starter activities that aimed to promote a positive attitude towards their learning, themselves, and others. The students’ engagement was great, and the activities appeared to motivate and encourage them towards the completion of their program.
The activities were based on topics like believing in yourself, managing time positively, self-care, caring for others, never giving up, happiness is key, gratitude, motivation, kindness, and writing for wellbeing.
I created posters, accessible on #positiveacademia and #positivesharedworld, featuring some of our Middlesex University students’ reflections about their wellbeing practices.
International Leadership & Management
CIFAL Secured funding
As Project Coordinator at CIFAL Scotland (2010-2013), I have managed and lead an international team of students who acted as dreamcatchers as part of the Rio+20 My Green Dream Campaign. The students recorded videos about their Green Dreams related to their concerns about the global environment. I gathered the videos on a YouTube Channel linked to the campaign website. I managed to form strong relations in Darfur, India and across Europe.
I never gave up and held virtual conference calls and meetings at any time of the day. I was in contact with student groups across the globe and worked with them together in a team over distance. I was able to motivate students who had minimal technical equipment to record dreams and I am still so proud of that.
I travelled across Scotland and presented the campaign at various Scottish Universities and schools. I was commended by a Scottish councillor for my leadership and advocacy skills as I had impressed an audience of about 100 people in a school.
Positive Academia - Co-Founder & CIC Director
For me, Positive Academia is a personal and professional mission that resonates deeply with my journey as a scientist and academic. Positive Aademia is a now a CIC (Comunity Interest Company) founded by Prof. Anne-Wil Harzing and myself. In December 2024 Anne-Wil and I celebrated three years of Positive Academia! Our collaboration has been a transformative, intertwined synergy of two academics at distinct stages of their careers, united by friendship, deep trust, and a shared vision of a kinder, more inclusive academic world. You can read the full story here:
Celebrating a Synergy of Passion: Reflecting on Three Years of (#)Positive Academia
Having navigated the challenges of scientific research and business studies in academia, I have experienced and witnessed the pressures that academics—i.e., researchers and teachers—face. I believe in fostering a supportive environment where the individual scholar comes first, allowing them to thrive personally and professionally.
My passion for crafting and cultivating a positive academic environment stems from my extensive experience working in high-pressure industry and academic settings. I have transitioned from scientific research and development for multinational companies to academia, engaging in change-making projects in both sectors for several years. We cannot deny that navigating our academic careers in highly competitive and often quite isolated neoliberal institutional environments is challenging. In these environments, we need to shift and reinforce collaboration and mutual support to nurture a culture where we all, individually and collectively, can flourish.
What drives me is the belief that #EveryLittleActionCounts. Whether it is supporting PGRs or ECRs, promoting well-being in the classroom, or encouraging positive social media practices among scholars, I have dedicated my work to building a space where academics feel valued and empowered. All these little actions are about embracing diversity, fostering meaningful collaborations, and ensuring that our contributions are recognized. Since co-founding Positive Academia with Anne-Wil Harzing, I have been actively engaged in research, teaching, and community-building efforts aimed at creating a more positive academic environment. My work includes guides on well-being activities, social media use, and interconnected learning in teaching, as well as various events and talks that bring together diverse voices to share insights and support one another.
Ultimately, Positive Academia matters to me because it aligns with my vision of what the academic world should be: a place of innovation, kindness, and meaningful, shared individual and collective contributions. To me, it is about leaving a legacy that future academics can build upon, fostering spaces where everyone’s contributions are recognized, no matter how big or small, and celebrated. Our journey is not just about transforming academia for today, but ensuring that the values of positivity, collaboration, and well-being are embedded in the academic cultures of tomorrow.
Every Little Action Counts [#everylittleactioncounts]

I created the #EveryLittleActionCounts campaign as a cornerstone of Positive Academia because I believe that transformative change begins with small, intentional steps. Academia often feels like a place of immense pressure, competition, and isolation, but I see it as an opportunity to foster a more inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment. This campaign is my way of reimagining what academia can be—a space where every voice matters, every action has value, and every individual feels seen and heard.
The idea behind #EveryLittleAction is simple but profound: small actions, when multiplied, create a ripple effect that can change the culture of academia. Whether it’s offering a kind word, sharing resources, mentoring a student, or simply showing gratitude, these acts collectively build a more positive and compassionate academic community.
This matters deeply to me because I’ve experienced firsthand the impact of small gestures—both given and received—that have lifted me during challenging times and inspired me to keep striving for more. I want to pay that forward and encourage others to do the same.
Positive Academia is more than a philosophy; it’s a movement to cultivate inclusion, collaboration, and kindness in all corners of academia. Through #EveryLittleAction, we hope to inspire others to take meaningful steps toward this vision, showing that together, we can create an academia that thrives on shared humanity and collective growth.
Week 16: EveryLittleActionCounts – Be Resilient!
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 16: Be Resilient! This week is a call to be resilient. Being resilient is crucial for navigating the many challenges and setbacks in our academic lives. It allows us to bounce back from adversity, maintain our mental and emotional...
Week 15: EveryLittleActionCounts – be courageous!
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 15: Be Courageous! This week is a call to be courageous. Being courageous is vital because it catalyses the embracement of risk, the challenging of norms, and fosters innovation and creativity. Courage drives positive organizational...
Week 14: EveryLittleActionCounts – be kind!
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 14: Be Kind! This week is a call to be kind. Small acts of kindness play a crucial role in fostering supportive and flourishing cultures leading to a sense of belonging and positive interactions among colleagues and students alike....
Week 13: EveryLittleActionCounts – fostering curiosity
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 13: Fostering Curiosity! This week is a call to foster curiosity. Fostering curiosity supports building cultures of innovation, creativity and continuous learning. Such cultures encourage the seeking of new knowledge, exploration of new...
Week 12: EveryLittleActionCounts – fostering respectful interaction
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 12: Fostering Respectful Interaction! This week is a call to foster respectful interaction. Fostering respectful interaction is pivotal for creating a supportive and inclusive environment within which we feel psychologically safe to...
Week 11: EveryLittleActionCounts – becoming optimistic
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 11: Becoming Optimistic! This week is a call to become optimistic. Optimism serves as a catalyst for positive change, enabling individual and collective envisioning and pursing of goals. Optimistic leaders inspire confidence, motivation,...
Week 10: EveryLittleActionCounts – etiquette of addressing people
#EveryLittleActionCounts Week 10: The Etiquette of Addressing People! This week is dedicated to using the right etiquette when addressing someone in academia. Addressing someone correctly is important because it is pivotal for building positive relationships,...
Week 9: EveryLittleActionCounts – reach out!
#EveryLittle Action Counts Week 9: Reach out! This week is dedicated to reaching out in academia. Reaching out is important and because it enables you to put things in perspective, to deal with feelings and thoughts, feeling safe and secure (Novak, 2016). “Sometimes,...
Week 8: EveryLittleActionCounts – how to create positive co-authorship in academia
#EveryLittle Action Counts Week 8: How to create positive co-authorship in academia This week is dedicated to creating positive co-authorship in academia. Co-authorship brings various benefits such as enhanced creativity, innovation, efficiency, networking...
Week 7: EveryLittleActionCounts – creating positive academic reviewing culture
#EveryLittle Action Counts Week 7: Creating a Positive Academic Reviewing Culture Referring to Christa Sathish’s recent Reflections on the completion of AMR’s Bridge Reviewer Program , this week is dedicated to creating positive academic reviewing culture. The crisis...
The Fables of Academia [#feministacademia]

Building Positive Academia through a feminist lens
In academia, we often encounter environments shaped by competition, exclusion, and hierarchy that can hinder the flourishing of collaboration and care, inclusion, and networks. It’s time to challenge these norms and reimagine academia as a space that uplifts, nurtures, and empowers. Christa Sathish, a passionate advocate for feminist perspectives in her research and teaching, has created and launched this campaign to drive this transformation.
Through #FeministAcademia – a complement to the #EveryLittleActionCounts initiative (launched by Christa Sathish) and the #PositiveAcademia initiative (launched by Anne-Wil Harzing) – we enhance the development and nurturing of Positive Academia as a transformative vision for academia. This vision emphasises intersectionality, gender equality, collective action, empowerment and autonomy, and social justice. Feminism teaches us that power is not finite, success is not individual, and the stories of those on the margins hold profound wisdom to help us shaping a better future.
This campaign uses weekly fables to reimagine academia as a zoo – a place where structures, hierarchies, and behaviours can be critiqued and reshaped. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight two of my dear CYGNA sisters, Axèle Giroud and Martyna Śliwa. I had a wonderful discussion with them about the academic zoo and safari during our Cumberland Lodge event in 2024, which inspired me to walk the talk.
Our weekly allegories explore and promote feminist practices such as:
- Collaboration over competition: building networks of mutual support and dismantling hierarchies that privilege the few.
- Care as a core value: prioritising well-being and challenging the myth of endless productivity.
- Equity in opportunity: addressing systemic barriers to ensure every voice can grow and thrive.
- Reimagining power: moving toward collective, inclusive decision-making that empowers all.
Our campaign is not just about telling stories – it is a call to action. Each fable challenges us to reflect on the structures we inhabit and inspires us to imagine and build new ones. #FeministAcademia envisions an academic world where every contribution is valued, no one is excluded, and the future is shaped collectively.
Join us on this transformative journey. Together, we can weave a new web for academia – one strong enough to hold us all!
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CYGNA Women in Academia Network - Lead Team Member
As a member of the CYGNA Lead Team, I am currently leading CYGNA Writes. With CYGNA Writes I aim to transform the often-isolating writing process into a collaborative journey of growth and progress. I bring my expertise in fostering collaboration and productivity to every session. With a passion for empowering writers to achieve their goals, I create a welcoming and inclusive space where everyone can succeed. I believe in the power of collaborative writing—finding focus, accountability, and inspiration in a nurturing, silent, and productive setting.
Presentations & Talks
21.02.2025: IMISCOE PhD Day 2025 - Joy in Academia
The PhD Day 2025 hosted by the IMISCOE Network addresses various challenges (such as stress, anxiety, and hyper-performance culture) in academia, while exploring what brings joy and fulfilment to academic journeys. Together with speakers Dounia Bourbain and Zakia Essanhaji, Anne-Wil Harzing and I from Positive Academia will share our experiences of finding meaning, purpose, and happiness in academia. The workshop aims to inspire participants to recognise and cultivate positive moments, emphasising collegiality, intellectual reforms, teaching, and the joy of learning, ultimately promoting a more balanced and rewarding academic experience.
22.11.2023: Positive Academia Event - “Creativity, Collaboration and Co-Creation: Building Positive Networks”
I co-organized the Positive Academia event on“Creativity, Collaboration and Co-Creation: Building Positive Networks”. This event was designed to foster debates and conversations that support your Postgraduate or Early Career Research journeys. The aim was to facilitate creative approaches to research and collaborative learning, helping us understand how to build positive relationships and co-produce knowledge that address challenges in the complex research, teaching, and organisational cultures that we navigate. Additionally, this event created opportunities to find and develop collaborative relationships and micro-support systems within the Positive Academia Network for PGRs and ECRs. Participants pioneered a unique global support network designed to make positive differences to universities worldwide. Click HERE to read more.
15.11.2023: CYGNA: The Power of neurodiversity
Together with Clarice Santos I organized the 55th CYGNA meeting as the first transdisciplinary, open-to-all event and featured the SWAN project celebrating the unique strengths of neurodiversity in academia. Click HERE to read the full write-up.
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LinkedIn Recommendation: Teaching & Learning
Moreover, I deeply appreciate the collaboration between our lecturer and other students, especially that we are now working together on a powerful co-creation project called ‘Chromaleon’ which is about a vibrant journey into blogging, researching, or even podcasting! I am looking back and thinking about the great team-work we had, and how fun it was making a 3d clay model of a chameleon- a symbolic mascot for our project that reflects the dynamic nature of schools, universities and the educational system.
Our lecturer’s insightful guidance on enhancing the format of the “Chromaleon” poster, significantly improved the design and quality of my work. Thanks to her efforts, we now have a fully functional website launched! It’s truly a privilege to learn from and work with Dr Sathish.
Alexander Georgy, 12.12.2024
Student @Westminster University
LinkedIn Recommendation: Inclusion
Christa is twice exceptional. Naively, I thought this was a nicer way of saying autistic. But – being my mentee since early 2020 – Christa has patiently taught me it is so much more. She is exceptionally bright, exceptionally dedicated, and exceptionally curious. But she is also hardworking, reflective, and responsive, and cares deeply about how her research can help others. This makes her a fantastic researcher.
But not only that: she is also a wonderful teacher; our Middlesex students like the fact that she is different from others, admire her knowledge and appreciate her well-planned and interesting sessions. Having nearly finished her PhD (in only 3 years), I am sure Christa has a bright future ahead of her in academia. I hope we can keep her at Middlesex, but any university that gets to employ her would be very lucky indeed. I look forward to seeing Christa flourish in academia!
Anne-Wil Harzing, 28.12.2021
Research Mentor, Staff Development Lead, Middlesex University