
Sathish, C. (2023). ‘Investigating UK academics’ professional social media use: a qualitative analysis using the lenses of digital literacy, UTAUT and the concept of boundary work’, PhD thesis Middlesex University. Available at:

Online White Papers

Harzing A.W. & Sathish, C. (2023). The art of academic writing. Available at

Almada, P., Caroleo, L., De Amicis, C., Giorgi, G., Kristensen, L.M., Sathish, C. and Teigeler, L. (2022). ‘The SEO effect: The optimised, the under-optimised and the un-optimised web’, Digital Methods Initiative. Available at:

Teaching & Learning Guides: Material and resources that support your teaching and learning practice

Sathish, C. (2022). ‘Social Media for Teaching How-To Guide’,, Available at:

I developed this guide focusing on the practical integration of specific social media tools and emphasising their practical application.  The guide provides information about general features, main concerns, questions before you start, case studies, and useful links to various platform-specific resources.

Sathish, C. (2022). ‘Well-Being Activities for Teaching’,, Available at:

In this document, I present various well-being activities that I integrated into my teaching of undergraduate students. I aim to develop an awareness of societal issues as well as emphasising the need to take care of students’ physical and mental well-being.

Sathish, C. (2023).’A Guide To Interconnected Learning’,, Available at:

This guide is a collection of my teaching approaches based on my ethos and values which reflect our being in the interconnected world. I have been inspired by Boix Mansilla and Jackson (2013) whose early research addresses the importance of developing students’ global competencies and the need to redefine learning for an interconnected world.

Positive Academia Resource Bulletins: Material and resources that enable you to contribute with small acts to crafting and cultivating a more positive academia.

Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – Happiness is a good flow of life, Zeno,, Available at:

Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – We are all different,, Available at:

Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – Creativity in academia,, Available at:

Sathish, C. & Harzing A.W. (2023).’Crafting & Cultivating Positive Academia – PGR Support,, Available at:

Media & Impact

I have been publishing blog posts (currently over 78 posts) as a tool for disseminating research, creating campaign awareness, reinforcing personal and professional development and supporting the engagement with broader audiences within and outside academia.

Inclusion in academia

Every Little Action Counts (#everylittleactioncounts)

Fables of academia - The Academic Zoo (#feministacademia)

Supporting the (Digital)Well-Being of Academics

PhD Wellness

Academic Reviewing

Teaching for Positive Impact

Student Well-Being

Never Give Up

This is the Year of Positive Academia (initiated by Anne-Wil Harzing). I am continuing to promote positivity #positivechange #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld #kindness #wellbeing #students #learning #teaching #university during the sessions with my third-year...


This is the Year of Positive Academia (initiated by Anne-Wil Harzing). I am continuing to promote positivity #positivechange #positiveacademia #positivesharedworld #kindness #wellbeing #students #engagement #learning during the sessions with my third-year...